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Thorndike Pond
Conservation Association
Thorndike Pond
Conservation Association
2019 Water Report
We work with the State’s Department of Environmental Services on their Volunteer Lake Assessment Program (VLAP). We sample 3-times a year, once each in the months of June,
July, and August. This year our sampling dates are June 5th, July 10th, and August 14th. The state will be participating in the August sampling, and they bring some equipment which allows testing of dissolved oxygen and temperature at various depths. If anyone would like to observe the process and maybe take over the sampling, that is a good way to get involved with a minimal commitment of just 3 mornings a year, two of them for just an hour.
There has been very little change in our water testing results over the years so there is little to report new this year. This is good news. Lakes in NH are categorized into three types depending on the amount of nutrients entering the water. The best lakes are called Oligotrophic which has the least amount of nutrients and is characterized by: “Larger, deeper lakes with clear water, rocky of sandy shorelines, low phosphorus enrichment, limited root plant growth, low algae growth, and adequate dissolved oxygen throughout.” Thorndike, despite being man-made with a limited depth, is in this category.
The general trend in measurement results, if there is any, is positive. Sampling is done at 4-locations, the two largest inlets, the outlet, and the deep spot. The worst readings we see are at the inlets and the best readings we see are at the outlet.