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Thorndike Pond
Conservation Association
Thorndike Pond
Conservation Association
Box 595, Jaffrey, New Hampshire 03452
Minutes of the 2015 Annual Meeting
August 1, 2015 at Monadnock Bible Conference
The meeting was called to order by President Melinda Johnson at 9:05 AM. There were 48 members present representing 32 properties on the pond. Those in attendance are listed at the end of these minutes.
Amy Smagula who had been scheduled to attend the meeting to speak to the Bladderwort problem experienced this year was unable to attend. Melinda said that Jo Benedek would address this issue in the weedwatcher report.
One property has changed ownership during the past year. The property previously owned by Susan Lawrence was converted to a conservation easement and ownership had been transferred to Peter Russell. The membership noted their pleasure with this arrangement.
The annual meeting minutes for last year’s annual meeting were approved as submitted.
The membership ratified all actions taken by the board in the past year.
Jim Banghart spoke to the By-Law change which eliminated paragraph 9 and the separate entity of “The Fund for Thorndike Pond”, because since this entity had been created the whole organization had been incorporated under the NH Charitable Trust Act as a 501(c)3 organization. The change was approved. This allows all payments to be made to the TPCA and get the same tax benefits as those made to the Fund. The revised By-Laws are attached.
For the election of officers, Melinda asked the general membership for those who are interested in serving either as VP for the next year and President the following two years or to serve as an at-large member Board of Directors to let her or any of the board members know soon and an election will be held by email, phone or postal voting.
Jim Banghart gave the Treasurer’s report, a copy of which is attached. The associations bank balances have increased y nearly $6,000 during the year but are still below where we were a few years ago because the Dam work depleted our long term savings fund.
Jim Banghart gave the Water Report, a copy of which is included with the minutes and available on-line. There is no significant change to water chemistry: Phosphorus levels are a bit higher than desirable but the problem is not caused by our membership, Acitidy is high but the result of acid rain and the poor neutralizing capacity of our granite bedrock, and Clarity is good, better than the state median.
Jo Benedek gave the Weedwatchers report:
Evie Hammerman gave the LakeHost report, explaining the program and possible problems the programs is trying to address and showed a 13 minute video from the sponsoring organization. This is considered to be the most important program of the Association. Volunteering has been a bit light but donations to support the program have been significant. She acknowledged the support of Paul Santos with the program and the help from the camps and Bible Conference.
Under new business, heavy use of the north end of the pond by speed boats with skiers and tubers was raised as an issue. Those reporting the problem were particularly critical of Camp Wanocksett. Melinda said the TPCA can’t control use of the pond. If members see boating violations, they can be reported to the Marine Patrol and they will come and inspect. If a bow number is obtained, they can question the owner even if a violation is not observed by the Marine Patrol. Roy Baldwin, our host for the meeting, jumped in quickly and said if there is activity coming from their beach, members can contact him directly.
There being no other new business the meeting adjourned at 10:27.
Respectfully submitted
Jim Banghart, TPCA Secretary/Treasurer
2015 Treasurer’s Report
Operating |
Checking |
Starting Balance |
$ 9,639.41 |
Income |
$ 5,900.00 |
Annual dues |
$ 5,175.00 |
Donations |
$ 50.00 |
Donations to lake host |
$ 675.00 |
Expenses |
$ 3,913.32 |
Lake Host Payment |
Dam Registration |
$ 425.00 |
Lake Host Dues |
Water testing |
$ 300.00 |
Dam maintenance |
$ 2,706.55 |
Postage |
$ 49.00 |
Reproduction |
Website |
$ 110.85 |
Lake Host Expenses |
Filing fees |
$ 75.00 |
Annual Meeting |
$ 28.92 |
Donation |
$ 150.00 |
PO Box |
$ 68.00 |
Ending Balance |
$ 11,626.09 |
Infinity Checking |
Starting Balance |
$ 50.00 |
Credits |
$ 30.00 |
Ending Balance |
$ 80.00 |
Total Operating Balance |
$ 11,706.09 |
Fund |
Savings |
Starting Balance |
$ 2,859.71 |
Donations |
$ 3,700.00 |
Ending Balance |
$ 6,559.71 |
Total |
$ 18,265.80 |
2015 Water Report
We continue water sampling on our pond in cooperation with the NH State Department of Environmental Services (DES) Volunteer Lake Assessment Program (VLAP). We do testing once each month during June, July, and August, one with the state’s participation. A two page report on our pond for last year and a much longer report on the lakes in our region, including data on Thorndike Pond, is available at the DES website at the link shown on the bottom of the page.
The single most important measurement is total phosphorous and for this Thorndike Pond is characterized in the report as “slightly bad”. But levels have been stable for the past two decades and are better than the state median and improved slightly last year.
Water clarity is one of the most apparent measurements to residents. For Thorndike Pond water clarity varies between readings but is better than the state average and also improved slightly last year.
pH measurements continue to show that our pond is reported to be “slightly bad”, but is only slightly worse than the state average. It is the result of “acid rain” and a poor neutralizing capacity of our pond attributed to our granite bedrock. It is not a problem of our doing or one we can fix. The long term trend has been a “slight worsening” since the VLAP program started.
The increasing frequency and intensity of storm events and associated water runoff puts a strain on water quality but so far we are doing well.
Jim Banghart
VLAP Coordinator for the TPCA
As Amended August 1, 2015
1. NAME:
The name of this Association shall be The Thorndike Pond Conservation Association, Inc.
The Association exists to preserve the harmony between man and nature. Implicit in this statement is:
A. The maintenance of Thorndike Pond as a desirable body of water.
B. The fostering of an aesthetic shoreline and surrounding property.
There shall be two types of members: (A) Regular and (B) Contributing.
Regular Membership shall be restricted to the legal owners of property abutting on the water of Thorndike Pond in Jaffrey or Dublin, New Hampshire, or having a legal right of way to such water. Each member, regardless of the size or number of properties, shall be entitled to one vote, which may be cast in person or by proxy. The husband or wife of a property owner may cast the vote for the family and may hold office, but there shall be only one vote per family, and both husband and wife may not hold office at one time. Joint ownership of such property by two or more persons, a partnership, corporation, or any other group entails the right to only one regular membership with one vote.
Contributing Membership shall be automatically conferred on any other person who makes a contribution to the Association and expresses interest in the welfare of the pond and its environs. Contributing members are welcome at meetings, where their advice and discussion will be gratefully heard, but they may not vote.
The officers of the Association shall be a President, a Vice President, and a Secretary-Treasurer, all of whom shall be elected from Regular Membership at the Annual Meeting. They shall take office immediately upon election and hold such office for one year. If either the office of Vice President or Secretary-Treasurer becomes vacant, the President shall appoint another member of the Board of Directors to complete the term.
The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Association. He shall appoint a nominating committee not later than July 1st. of each year to consist of at least three regular members, no one of whom may be an officer of the Association.
The Vice President shall, in the absence of the President, perform such of the latter's duties as may be immediately necessary. If the office of President shall become vacant, the Vice President shall complete the term as President and appoint a member of the Board of Directors to serve
meanwhile as Vice-President.
The Secretary-Treasurer shall receive and collect all moneys due the Association, pay all bills duly authorized, give notice of all meetings, keep a record of all business and voting at meetings, and render a full financial report at the annual meeting. He/She may appoint a Clerk to assist him/her.
A Board of Directors shall have and exercise all rights and powers of the Association. It shall be the duty of the Board to take charge and control of all funds and property belonging to the Association. All decisions of the Board shall be by majority vote. Five members of the Board shall constitute a quorum. Meetings of the Board shall be called by the President at his/her discretion or upon request of three of its members. The Board shall consist of seven persons, three of whom shall be the officers named in Section 4 above, the remaining four to be elected from the regular membership for two-year terms, staggered so that two of the four non-officer directors are elected annually. In the event of a vacancy, the President shall appoint a regular member to serve until the next annual meeting.
The annual meeting of the members of the Association shall be held in Jaffrey or Dublin on the first Saturday in August of each year at a place designated by the President. The President shall call special meetings at his/her discretion, or by request of a majority of the Board of Directors, or on petition of ten regular members. Notice of the date, place, and hour of all meetings, including any known subjects for consideration, shall be given to each member of the Association by sending such notice at least two weeks beforehand either by US mail to his/her address as registered with the Association or by email to his/her email address as registered with the association. Fifteen regular members shall constitute a quorum. Members desiring matters included in the call to meeting must notify the Secretary-Treasurer not later than July 1st.
The Association's fiscal year shall begin on the July 1 and continue through June 30 of the following year. (Amended on 8/6/2011)
8. DUES:
The dues for regular members shall be voted for the succeeding year at the Annual Meeting, whereupon they become immediately payable. Each contributing member may determine the amount of his/her contribution. The Board of Directors may not assess each member more than $10.00 in any one fiscal year, over and above the dues without specific authority of the membership.
Any possible conflict of interest on the part of the any member of the Board, officers or employees of the Corporation, shall be disclosed in writing to the Board and made a matter of record through an annual procedure and also when the interest involves a specific issue before the Board. Where the transactions involving a board member, trustee or officer exceeds five hundred dollars ($500) but is less than five thousand dollars ($5000) in a fiscal year, a two-thirds vote of the disinterested directors is required. The minutes of the meeting shall reflect that a disclosure was made, the abstention from voting, and the actual vote itself. Every new member of the board will be advised of this policy upon entering the duties of his or her office, and shall sign a statement acknowledging, understanding of and agreement to this policy. The Board will comply with all requirements of New Hampshire law in this area and the New Hampshire requirements are incorporated into and made a part of this policy statement. (Added on 8/6/2011)
These By-Laws may be altered, amended, repealed, or added to by majority vote at any meeting provided notice of proposed alteration, amendment, repeal, or addition is included in the Call to the Meeting.
Present for the 2015 Annual Meeting (by Property)
Philip Bailey
Jim and Anne Banghart
Eve Banghart
Marcea Gustafson for Jack Belletete
Jo BenedeK
John Bruder and Carol Greenwold
Steven and Bea Epstein
Will Fritz
Stephen and Carol Gehlbach
Ed Ginsburg
Linda and Janet Grant
Sam and Eileen Hackler
Evie Hammerman
Greg Hunt
Janet Jackson
Melinda Johnson
Andrew Krivak and Amelia Dunlop
Tom, Richard, and Fred Mansfield
Peter Mcgowan
Bob and Judy Melzer
Thomas Moore and Hari Kirin Khalsa
Roy Baldwin from the Monandock Bible Conference
Jim and Patti Potter
Bob Radin
Peter and Jinnie Russell
Paul Santos and Anne Stuart
Bill and Roberta Schnoor
Patty Scholl
Liz Smith
Don and Elise Stickland
Ginger Mauer for Camp Wa-Klo
Jeff Whittemore