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Thorndike Pond
Conservation Association
Thorndike Pond
Conservation Association
Box 595, Jaffrey, New Hampshire 03452
Minutes of the 2017 Annual Meeting
August 5, 2016 at the Boat House at Camp Wanocksett
The meeting was called to order by President Andrew Krivak at 9:05 AM. There were 48 members present representing 30 properties on the Pond. Those in attendance are listed at the end of these minutes.
Under the topic of recognition:
· The meeting started with all present introducing themselves for the benefit of all
· No one knew of any members who had passed away in the past year
· A number of properties have changed hands in the last year:
o Liz Smith’s property, now owned by Kevin and Kathleen MacKenzie
o Scott Johnson’s property, now owned by David and Alisa Nash
o Andy White’s property, now owned by Ophelia Dahl and Lisa Frantzis
o Steve and Lauren Magoun have taken over the care of the Magoun property
o Though not mentioned at the meeting, Lindra Best has purchased her sister’s home from the family
· There is one property currently for sale, that of Hamlin/Maxwell
The meeting minutes for last year’s Annual Meeting were approved as submitted.
The membership ratified all actions taken by the Board in the past year, though none were cited at the meeting.
For the election of officers, Peter McGowan listed the following nomination, all of which were approved:
· Andrew Krivak, President
· Jim Potter, Vice President
· Jim Banghart, Secretary/Treasurer
· Steve Magoun 2-year at large member
· Roy Baldwin from the Monadnock Bible Conference 2-year at large member
Hari Kirin Khalsa, and John Brouder each have one year remaining on their two-year terms. With no other nominations offered the nominations were approved.
Jim Banghart gave the Treasurer’s report, a copy of which is attached. The Association had an operating income of $12,325 and a donation from the Forest Ramp Association of $6,628.51 for a total income of $18,953.51. Operating expenses were $1,725. The Association started the year with bank balances totaling $28,036.34 and finished the year with balances of $45,444.94.
Jim Banghart gave the Water Report, a copy of which is attached. The membership requested further discussion with the town on the slightly bad E-coli readings at the town beach that is not characteristic of the pond nor seen at either of the two camps. Jim agreed to take this up with the new town manager. The lack of testing at the Bible Conference Beach was also questioned, especially given the readings at the town beach which seems to get less use. Jim agreed to take this up with the State.
Jim Potter gave the Weedwatchers Report, filling in for Jo Benedek who was unable to attend the meeting. A copy of his report is attached. He listed the normal plants in the pond and indicated that their growth this year appears normal other than Bladderwort. Bladderwort is worse than normal, although not as bad as it was in 2015. Because Bladderwort is free floating it moves around and can collect in patches. It can be cleaned up by raking and depositing it on shore where it is a good compost. He indicated that we have avoided invasive species of plants and praised the LakeHost program for this outcome, noting the many water bodies that have been infected. Many members voiced their dissatisfaction with the Bladderwort.
Evie Hammerman gave the LakeHost report, explaining the program and the potential problems the program is trying to address. She acknowledged the support of Paul Santos with the program and the help from the camps. She appealed for the membership to volunteer, especially during the last two weeks of August when the camps are out of session. The pay rate of our paid LakeHosts was questioned but no changes were agreed to.
Anne Banghart gave the Canada Geese report. She reported two families of Geese on the pond this summer each with a number of goslings. Anne urged members to uses fences on properties with beach and grass access, to help neighbors where they see problems and to harass the Geese when possible. A copy of her report is attached.
Andrew Krivak gave a reporting on what he has done about beaver problems on and around the pond. Beavers near the boat ramp were removed successfully last fall at the expense of the State. Beavers around the swampland across from the Ginsburg’s have avoided trappers hired by the TPCA and those hired by the Town and additional trapping measures may be employed.
Under new business and concerns:
· Lisa Frantzis suggested we create a blog where members can communicate to share information. With Lisa’s help, the board will look into this further. Robin Cassel offered some suggestions after the meeting and will participate in this undertaking.
· Jim Banghart said the 50 Years on the Pond book is going to a second printing and is available for new members at no charge or existing members at the $6.00 per copy price.
· Bob Radin questioned if other members wanted faster Internet access. He would like to contact Comcast to see if cable could be provided on Gilson and maybe Thorndike Pond Roads. People interested in supporting this request are encouraged to contact Bob by phone, mail or email at bobradin@comcast.net.
· Andrew Krivak mentioned that we occasionally get reports of lost water craft or floats and if members could put some identification on their items it would help us in returning them should they float away.
Respectfully submitted,
Jim Banghart, TPCA Secretary/Treasurer
Properties Represented for the 2017 Annual Meeting
Jim and Anne Banghart
Paul Becker
Lindra Best
John Brouder and Carol Greenwald
Emily Carr
Ophelia Dahl and Lisa Frantzis
Stephen and Bea Epstein
Eddie Ginspurg
Janet and Linda Grant
Mary Lynne Hamlin and Thomas Maxwell
Evie Hammerman
Bernie Hampsey
Greg Hunt
Janet Jackson
Andrew Krivak and Amelia Dunlop
Kevin and Kathleen Mackenzie
Stephen and Lauren Magoun
Fred and Richard Mansfield
Peter McGowan
Bob and Judy Melzer
Thomas Moore and Hari Kirin Khalsa
Jim, Patty and Jeremy Potter
Bob and Amy Radin
Sue Roston
Paul Santos
Earl Silbert
Don and Elise Strickland
Tammy Lafortune and Ginger Mauer from Camp Waklo
Mike Penny and others from Camp Wanoocksett
Jeff Whittemore and Robin Cassel