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Thorndike Pond
Conservation Association

Annual Meeting - 1962

Minutes of Annual Meeting
Meeting House, Jaffrey, N.H.
August 4, 1962
The third annual meeting of the Thorndike Pond Association was held Saturday, August 4, 1962 at the old meeting house at Jaffrey Center.
After calling the meeting to order at 10:00 AM the president expressed appreciation to Miss Ethel Kloberg for her invitation to the association to hold the meeting at camp Wa-Klo.
On motion duly made, seconded, and carried, the reading of the minutes of the previous meeting was dispensed with.
Robert Hadley, treasurer, reported a balance on hand of $1,615.60, collections for the dam account, and annual dues since the last meeting were $1,521.00. Expenditures for the year totaled
$18.00. The report was accepted as given.
Mr. Grant advised the meeting that in July, the association was incorporated under the laws of the state of New Hampshire as a voluntary corporation with no capital stock, this having been done in order to facilitate any dealings the association might have with other persons and to enable it to own property.
At the request of the president, Mr. Bixler presented a set of proposed by-laws recommended by the board of directors. After discussion of these by-laws, particularly on the point of whether there should be one vote for each membership or multiple votes depending on financial contributions, it was moved, seconded, and resolved that adoption of the by-laws be deferred until later in the meeting.
Mr. Hadley advised the meeting that the board of directors is considering the possibility of creating a Thorndike area district in the hope that restrictions could be proposed in a town meeting which would cover the use of property in this district preventing further commercial encroachment or undesirable use of land. The membership voiced its approval of these efforts and expressed the hope that they would continue.
Judge Jason Sawyer, executive secretary of the Monadnock Region Association, a guest at the meeting, spoke briefly about the problem of maintaining a satisfactory water level in ponds used for recreational facilities and expressed the hope that this association could arrive at a satisfactory solution to its problem in this respect.
Mr. Grant initiated a discussion of the proposed purchase of the water rights to the pond from the mill which owns them. He advised that the board of directors strongly urges that this purchase be consummated at the negotiated price of $9,000.00. The recommend­ation was that individual property owners be assessed for one share of the cost, non-profit groups three shares and profit motive entities five shares, the total number of shares arrived at in this manner being approximately fifty. It was recommended that the price of each share be $200.00. Mr. Ginsberg moved that this suggestion be adopted and the officers be empowered to complete the transaction after raising the necessary money. This motion was seconded by Mr. Bixler.  After discussion, the motion was carried unanimously.  After further discussion on the matter of by-laws, they were adopted as presented with corrections of punctuation and the addition of "incorporated" after the name of the association.
The report of the nominating committee was given by its chairman, professor Magoun, as follows:
  • President: Herbert B. Grant
  • Vice President: William Ginsberg
  • Secretary/Treasurer: Robert Hadley
  • Directors for one year:
    • Charles Letourneau
    • David Hurlin,
    • Frederick Ernst
    • Mrs. Clarence Derby
On motion made, seconded, and carried, the nominations were closed and the secretary empowered to cast one ballot electing the forgoing slate unanimously.
Mr. Grant called for any new or old business and upon motion of the treasurer, dues for the coming year were set at $5.00.
Mr. Grant advised the meeting that in addition to the matters discussed previously, it was the intent of the Board to work cooperatively with other comparable groups in the area to foster an increase in associate membership in the association. He requested the members to notify the officers should any transfers of business on the pond come to their attention.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:45 a.m.
Respectfully submitted, Clara S Grant Secretary/Treasurer