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Thorndike Pond
Conservation Association
Thorndike Pond
Conservation Association
Box 595, Jaffrey, New Hampshire 03452
Minutes of the 2013 Annual Meeting
August 3, 2013 at Monadnock Bible Conference
The meeting was called to order by President Peter Russell at 9:30 AM. There were 40 members present representing 29 properties on the pond. Those in attendance are listed at the end of these minutes. Peter started by thanking The Monadnock Bible Conference and Timothy Goodwin for their hospitality and Patty Scholl and Janet Grant for their efforts on the refreshments prior to the meeting.
Peter noted the passing of Michelle Belletete, Jane Walling and Stella Russell during the past year.
Next, Peter announced new members: David and Bronwin Southwick, who bought the Blazjewski home. They were not present.
Houses for sale on the pond at the time of the meeting were those of:
Jim Banghart gave the Treasurer’s report, a copy of which is attached. He described the TD Bank Infinity program where members can link their TD Banks account with the TPCA and the association will receive $10 annually from the bank for each member who makes this link, and there is no cost or obligation to the member. He also showed the costs and collections for the dam project which includes payments from both the operating and Fund for Thorndike Pond accounts across multiple years, including the current fiscal year which started on July 1. He said that virtually all members have paid the full $1200 assessment requested and with additional payments by some members we are over the targeted amount of $1200 per member.
Jim then gave the water testing results. Water testing on the pond occurs three times per year, once each in the months of June, July and August. The water report issued by the state was made available for review by the members and is available on line at the NH DES site. This year’s water report is also available at the TPCA website.
Jo Benedek then gave the weed report. She reported that Watershield is decreasing and Pickerel Weed is the most prominent plant on the pond and is expanding. She suggested that property owners consider removing by hand unwanted plant growth from their waterfronts, particularly Pickeral Weed. She reported that Lily Pads are likely to be the most affected by the upcoming drawdown.
Evie Hammerman then gave the report for the Lake Host™ program. In addition to preventing unwanted invasive plant growth the program also is focused on Zebra Mussels and Asian Clams. Because the latter can be transported in the larva stage, the program is asking boaters to clean, drain and dry (5 days out of the water or physically dried) their boats when moving them between water bodies. She recognized Paul Santos for his efforts in getting the grant and handling the paperwork associated with the program. She recognized the support of the two camps and the Bible Conference in covering the boat ramp during the week. She mentioned the two paid Lake Hosts. She urged members to volunteer at the ramp when they can, and offered to train anyone who has not yet been trained. Anne Stuart has reviewed the log sheets from the pond and Evie reported that the best times to volunteer are 6:00 to 8:00 in the morning and 4:00 to 6:00 in the afternoon..
In approving the minutes from last year’s meeting Bill Schnoor requested that the minutes reflect that the motion he had made regarding the assessment and to allow the board to use money from the Fund for the dam project was voted on and approved unanimously by the members present. The minutes were approved with that revision.
The membership unanimously approved all actions taken by the board in the last year.
Roberta Schnoor presented the by-law change described in the notice to the annual meeting and the change was approved unanimously. Henceforth the notice to the annual meeting and other correspondence from the association will be sent electronically to those who use email and will be mailed to other members.
Peter Russell then went through the status of the pending dam work. The project will raise the sides of the dam by about fifteen inches and extend the ends by about twenty-five feet. All permits are in place to start the work. Drawdown of the pond will start on August 15th, with no more than two boards (eighteen inches) removed before the Labor Day weekend. After that the water will be lowered to a total of about seven feet to allow the work to be performed, with a target completion of November 15th. The schedule of the project is very dependent on rainfall during this drawdown. Peter has been in touch with NH Fish and Game and they have told him they will prohibit fishing in the pond while the water is down. The members questioned what could be done on their pond frontage during the drawdown. The board has contacted the State’s Department of Environmental Services and the restrictions of what is allowed were included in the mailing of the notice for the annual meeting.
The total cost for the project is expected to be in the ballpark of $120,000 and it will deplete the money in the Fund for Thorndike Pond and likely go into the operating accounts as well. Our annual appeal for donations to the Fund will go out in November this year as we hope to start rebuilding that account. Eddie Ginsberg applauded the work done by Peter and the board on this effort.
Bob Melzer, representing the nominating committee, proposed the following nominations:
Those nominations were moved and unanimously approved by the membership. These officers and board members will join Roberta Schnoor and Ginger Mauer who will complete the second year of their two year terms.
Eila Mackenzie said that she anticipates putting her home on the market next June and welcomes interested parties to view the property this year if they want.
Emily Carr questioned the status of the culvert replacement in front of Jodi Baker’s property. She requested contact information from the town and suggested this info might be helpful to other members too. Secretary’s note: the project was completed three days after the meeting so no further action is required.
There being no other new business the meeting adjourned at 10:40.
Respectfully submitted
Jim Banghart, TPCA Secretary/Treasurer
Treasurers Report
Operating |
Checking |
Starting Balance |
$ 12,264.31 | |||
Income |
$ 6,300.00 | ||||
Annual dues |
$ 5,475.00 |
Donations to lake host |
$ 500.00 |
Annual meeting meals |
$ 325.00 |
Expenses |
$ 3,811.85 | ||||
Lake Host Payment |
$ 1,460.00 |
Dam fees |
$ 425.00 |
Lake Host Dues |
$ 300.00 |
Water testing |
$ 300.00 |
Annual meeting meals |
$ 308.00 |
Dam maintenance |
$ 292.00 |
Postage |
$ 227.00 |
Reproduction |
$ 164.00 |
Website |
$ 110.85 |
Title search |
$ 86.00 |
State fees |
$ 75.00 |
Ending Balance |
$ 14,752.46 | ||||
Savings |
Starting Balance |
$ 1,376.70 | |||
Interest |
$ 0.68 |
Ending Balance |
$ 1,377.38 | ||||
Infinity Checking |
Bank Credit |
$ 25.00 | |||
Total Operating Balance |
$ 16,154.84 | ||||
Fund |
Savings |
Starting Balance |
$ 13,626.95 | |||
Income |
$ 85,022.67 | ||||
Donations |
$ 84,975.00 |
Interest |
$ 47.67 |
Expenses |
$ 22,518.60 | ||||
Dam Engineering |
$ 19,318.60 |
Dam Application |
$ 3,000.00 |
Wetlands permit |
$ 200.00 |
Ending Balance |
$ 76,131.02 | ||||
Total of all accounts |
$ 92,285.86 |
Expenses for the Dam Project
Expenses to date |
$ 31,678.60 |
| ||||||||
RJB Engineering - Hydrology |
$ 12,766.70 |
| ||||||||
HTE North East - Engineering |
$ 15,025.90 |
| ||||||||
Gresack Engineering - Wetlands |
$ 600.00 |
| ||||||||
Title Search |
$ 86.00 |
| ||||||||
Dam Permit |
$ 3,000.00 |
| ||||||||
Wetlands Permit. |
$ 200.00 |
| ||||||||
Expected costs remaining |
$ 90,000.00 |
| ||||||||
Construction |
$ 55,000.00 |
| ||||||||
Contingency |
$ 20,000.00 |
| ||||||||
Engineering Oversight |
$ 15,000.00 |
| ||||||||
| ||||||||||
Total Dam Reconstruction |
$ 121,678.60 |
| ||||||||
| ||||||||||
Assessment collections to date |
$ 88,950.00 |
| ||||||||
Assessment collections |
$ 86,000.00 |
| ||||||||
Donations in excess of assessment |
$ 2,950.00 |
| ||||||||
| ||||||||||
Fund Balance |
$ 81,956.02 |
| ||||||||
Members present for the TPCA 2013 Annual Meeting
Jim Banghart
Jo Benedek
Rick Brackett from the Monadnock Conservancy
Charity Brown
Steve and Beatrice Epstein
John Bruder and Carol Greenwald
Emily Carr
Steve and Carol Gehlbach
Eddie Ginsburg
Tim Goodwin from the Monadnock Bible Conference
Janet and Linda Grant
Sam and Eileen Hackler
Evie Hammerman
Bill and Janet Jackson
Eila Mackenzie
Tom Mansfield
Ginger Mauer from Camp Wa-Klo
Peter McGowan
Bob and Judith Melzer
Jim and Patti Potter
Bob Radin
Ann Raleigh Schulte
Peter Russell
Paul Santos and Anne Stewart
Bill and Roberta Schnoor
Patty Scholl
Earl Silbert
Don Strickland
Andy White and Melinda Johnson