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Thorndike Pond
Conservation Association

Annual Meeting - 1987

David Hurlin, president, called the annual meeting to order at 4:05 p.m. He welcomed those present and called for approval of the minutes of the August 2, 1986, meeting.
The treasurer reported that 64 members had paid $2,240 in dues during the year. In addition, the Association savings account had earned $94.31 interest. Expenses had totaled $2,508.39, resulting in a $174.08 deficit for the year. Association assets totaled $3,199.67 as of August 1. The treasurer also noted that up-to-date membership lists and maps of the pond are available. The treasurer's report was accepted.
A proposal to increase annual dues from $35 to $40 was approved. Mr. Hurlin explained that the additional income would be earmarked for a contingency fund to help finance anticipated repairs to the dam as well as remove silt from the base of the dam should that be necessary.
Mr. Hurlin reported that he had received a written request that the water level of the pond be lowered early. Several of those present supported the request. It was voted to have the lowering process completed by Columbus Day. An ancilliary motion, authorizing the Board of Directors to act on the lowering process without consulting the full membership if necessary, was passed.
Ray Kruse reported on water testing for 1987. He said the pond's water quality was "excellent." He noted that the phosphate level was low; that it was not necessary to test for nitrates because there were no nearby farms using fertilizers; that the PH factor was 6.56, very close to the optimum level; and that the coliforn -T level was "0." Mr. Kruse added that he had done a Secchi-disc reading at points in the pond earlier in the day. The disc, he explained, is a device which measures water clarity. He reported that the clarity level was higher than it had been so far this decade — a good sign.
David Murray reported on the efforts of the 13 property owners who are challenging the recent reassessment of property on the pond. He said the group had hired professional appraisers who valued the properties at $30,000 to $90,000 less than had the state's appraisers. He explained that the state appraisers had set a $900-a-foot value on front footage, though most property sold in the $600 range. Mr. Murray said that the tax board will take two to four months to decide on the appeal. He suggested that, if the appeal is successful, other property owners should, use its outcome as a basis for appeal when they receive their next tax bills. He outlined the degrees of support that he had found for the appeal now underway. Finally, he urged property owners to secure copies of their assessment cards from the town office and check them for possible errors.
A motion to approve the actions of the Board of Directors was approved unanimously.
Mr. Kruse, chairperson of the nominating committee, recommended the following slate of officers and directors for the 1987-1988 year:
  • President -  David Murray
  • Vice president - Peter McGowan
  • Secretary-Treasurer — Henry F. Schulte
  • Directors
    • Nathan Hurlin (to fill the 2nd year of the 2-year term of Peter McGowan)
    • Gillian Whalen (two-year term)
    • Linda Jacob (two-year term)
The new slate was approved. Bob Banker is the other director, in the second year of a two-year term.
Ted Ernst reported that Robert Hadley, a founding member of the Association, had died recently. He introduced the following motion:
"It is moved that the officers, directors and members of the Thorndike Pond Conservation Association take special recognition of the many important contributions made by Robert P. Hadley during the formative and developing years of the organization, and that our deepest condolences be expressed to his wife, Natalie, on the occasion of his recent death." The motion was approved unanimously.”
Mr. Hurlin reported that Mr. Ernst had recently notified the Association that he has a lot for sale. Mr. Hurlin noted that members of the Association traditionally inform other members when they put property on the market. He said he hoped that tradition would continue.
He urged members to support the Trust for New Hampshire Lands.
The question of parking at the public boat launching area was raised. That led to a discussion of water courtesy. Members reported seeing dangerous use of boats, including violations of boating regulations. Other members reported that boats were passing through the narrows at excessive speeds and boats without the legally required observers were towing skiers. It was suggested that a "No Wake" sign be placed at the narrows. Mr. Hurlin said the state's water safety operation was undermanned but he would determine what, if anything, could be done.
Mr. Hurlin noted that Kay Foster is in the Pheasant Wood Center in Peterborough.
He then expressed thanks to Nathan and Daniel Hurlin for playing hosts to the meeting. They responded by inviting the Association back for its 1988 meeting. Mr. Hurlin thanked Nathan for taking responsibility for the dam. He also thanked:
·         those who furnished food for the meeting.
·         Camp Wanoksett for providing pies.
·         the Jaffrey Center church for lending tables and chairs.
·         Jane Ernst, Priscilla Hurlin, Carmen McGowan and Ginger Murray for organizing the social part of the meeting.
Finally, he introduced new members: The Mansfield brothers, Richard, Frederick and Thomas; Barbara Thompson and Bob Karlsberger; Barbara and Dick Kelly; and Karen and Bob Cervenka.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:10 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Henry F. Schulte, Secretary/Treasurer