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Thorndike Pond
Conservation Association
Thorndike Pond
Conservation Association
July 7, 2008
From: Bill Jackson
To TPCA Membership
RE 2007 Water testing
In 2007 water tests as specified by D.E.S. were conducted by Jim Banghart and myself in June, July, and August. A D.E.S. Limnologist joined us for the August testing and conducting additional tests such as Phytoplankton, identification, water temperature profile, and oxygen levels, etc.
Tests were conducted at the “deep spot”, outlet, and Northeast and Southeast inlets. Results at all test spots were again in line with our very fortunate historical record, raising no warning flags.
As they had promised last year, D.E.S reported the results of the statistical analysis of historical test data for all lakes which have been in the Volunteer Lakes Assessment Program (VLAP) for at least 10 years. The analysis results for Thorndike Pond indicate no significant change in measurements for transparency, Chlorophyll A or phosphorus since we started testing in 1988.
Let’s keep up all the positive things we do to keep the pond healthy!!!!!