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Thorndike Pond
Conservation Association

Annual Meeting - 1995

Minutes of Annual Meeting
Meeting Place, Jaffrey Center, N.H.
August 5, 1995
President Whalen thanked all who have contributed to the Ethel Kloberg memorial fund at the New Hampshire Lakes Association and announced that the fund will be used to offer a prize to the winner of a children's photography contest, to be awarded August 12th at the NHL A's first annual Celebrate Your Lakes Day.
President Whalen announced the following lake properties are offered for sale:
Asher, Comstock, Ernst, W.Foster, Gehrung, Grimshaw, Kelly, and Wheeler
On a motion duly made and seconded it was:
VOTED: to accept the minutes of the last annual meeting as circulated
Henry Schulte presented the Treasurer's report and asked that copies be distributed.
The report showed:  
Beginning balance 7/01/94             $10,405.05
Income                                                $3,017.14
Expense                                             $ 2.928.15
Closing balance 6/30/95                  $10,494.04
On a motion duly made and seconded and after some discussion about legal expenses it was: VOTED: to accept the Treasurer's report as presented.
President Whalen reported that Continental Insurance Company cancelled liability coverage on the dam and island effective August 3rd, but granted an extension to October 3rd while we look for a new carrier. Our agent, Bellows-Nichols, received a bid from NH Insurance Company which will increase the annual premium from $260 to $1584. To date Bellows-Nichols has not found another carrier. William Jackson has contacted some Keene based agents without success so far, but will continue to search for other bids. On a motion duly made and seconded and after discussion about the advisability of posting signs on the dam it was:
VOTED: to secure liability coverage from NH Insurance, if no better alternative becomes available before October 3rd, and that the Association's Treasury absorbs the premium increase this year without raising dues, subject to a review of its impact on dues next year.
President Whalen reminded the meeting of last year's unanimous decision to assess the membership if it becomes necessary to seek legal redress in the event of an inequitable revaluation of Jaffrey real property.
President Whalen introduced Jaffrey Town Manager, Jonathan Sistare, who explained the revaluation process stating that new values are scheduled to be published in May of 1996, and that the July '96 tax bills would be based on present valuations but that the final bill would reflect new assessments retroactive to April 1, 19%. He explained that Industrial and Commercial properties have suffered the worst depreciation since the last valuation followed, in order, by residential property and waterfront property. He further explained the abatement process. Mr. Sistare took many questions from the floor.
On a request from President Whalen it was moved, seconded and:
VOTED: that the actions taken by the Board of Directors since the last annual meeting be approved.
President Whalen reported on the quality of water in the lake, and thanked Mssrs. Jackson and Schulte for their part in conducting tests. She reported bacteria readings from 0 to 1 at five testing sites. Tests with readings over 88 warrant a "No-Swim advisory". Phosphorus levels at the southwest inlet continue to be high and the Board authorized additional testing to locate the source of pollution, which may be located well upstream. Readings at the lake were 44 with 124 and 142 successively upstream. - 40 and over is considered excessive. The State has recommended continued testing in early fall. The State Department of Public Health is concerned about mercury levels in New Hampshire's fish and has issued the following ADVISORY: women of childbearing age and children of 6 years of age and younger - limit consumption of fresh water fish to no more than one meal every two months; all other people- limit consumption of freshwater fish to no more than four meals per month. Small fish are safer than older larger fish. The Dept. of Environmental Services is requesting test samples from all lakes and ponds. Robert Chamberlain and President Whalen agreed to team up to honor the request.
President Whalen reviewed the existing three year policy of water draw down, and explained that repairs to the dam were effected during the "deep" draw down last fall. The Board recommended that the flash boards of the dam be removed September 29th which would accomplish this year objective by Columbus day, and that the board be replaced about October 16th. It was so moved and seconded. In the ensuing discussion an amendment was offered, and seconded, to postpone the opening date to "no sooner than Oct. 1st". After further discussion the amendment was accepted, and it was:
VOTED: that the drawdown of the lake for 1995 begins no earlier than October 1st, and that the boards be restored no later than October 16th; and that the President appoint an ad hoc committee to study the draw down issue as it relates to the health of the pond.
Past President Peter McGowan thanked President Whalen for her exceptional service to the organization, and offered the following slate on behalf of the Nominating Committee:
President                                     William Jackson
Vice-President                            Jo Benedek
Secretary/Treasurer                   Henry Schulte
New Directors                              Gillian Whalen
Robert Chamberlain
Carry over Directors                   Paul Starrett
Donald Strickland
There being no nominations from the floor it was so VOTED.
President Whalen thanked retiring Officers and Directors Priscilla Hurlin, Millard Brown and Arnold Wile for their years of service to the organization.
On a motion made and seconded, it was:
VOTED: to keep dues for the ensuing year at $40.
President Whalen invited one and all to have lunch at The Monadnock Inn.
There being no other business the meeting was adjourned at 11 :45 AM..
Many thanks to Priscilla and David. Hurlin for doing the minutes of the meeting.
Respectfully submitted, Henry F. Schulte, Secretary/Treasurer