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Thorndike Pond
Conservation Association

Annual Meeting - 2004

Minutes of Annual Meeting
Meeting Place, Jaffrey Center, N.H.
August 7, 2004
The 45th annual meeting of the Thorndike Pond Conservation Assoc. was called to order by Pres. Lee Bruder at 11:04 am. There were 32 voting members out of 71 members to constitute a quorum. Lee announced new owners Hamlin/Maxwell and Zimardo/Smith.
A motion to accept the minutes of the 2003 annual meeting was made, seconded and approved by all.
A balance of $12,962.39 is left in the checking and savings accounts. The dues will remain at $60.00 for the 2004-05 year. In Sept. of 2003 $2,500.00 of the dues collected was transferred into the CD account. A motion was made to accept the Treasurer's report, seconded and approved by all.
Lee reported that the Lake Host Grant was received again this year. It provides for a greeter to be present at the public boat ramp to welcome boaters and to check boats for exotic weeds. Lee expressed concern and a need to be alert for a new aggressive weed now present in Vermont and Massachusetts. The weed is called Hydrilla. Lee also reminded members to have septic tanks pumped every three (3) years. He called attention to both boating and swimming regulations. The pond draw down will be three (3) boards this fall beginning after Columbus Day.
Bill Jackson reported water testing results. The chlorophyll, phosphorus, acidity and clarity results are all such that Bill said Thorndike Pond is in very good condition.
Jo Benedek reported there has been no significant change in plant growth on the pond As a reminder please do not use fertilizers of any kind or products containing phosphorus.
A motion was made for the members to approve, ratify and adopt all actions taken by the officers and directors of the association since the last meeting on August 2, 2003. Motion was seconded and accepted by all.
Don Strickland reported on the purpose and status of "The Fund", and his disappointment in the number of contributions to date.  He will be sending a letter to the membership soliciting contributions to " The Fund".
Lee reported on the project at Monadnoek State Park, where there will be about 40 camp sites constructed. Jo Benedeck reported that Gilson Pond has been drained and is now dry. A new concrete dam is being constructed and a temporary earthen coffer dam has been built. It was noted that Gilson Pond is a main source of water for Thorndike Pond. The construction of the dam is expected to be completed this fall. The 40 site campground construction is behind schedule and will probably not begin until next year. It will be important to be watchful for misuse after construction is completed.
Emily Carr stated she was concerned about speeding on the roads around the pond and took it upon herself to send a letter to the membership about it.
Both Jaffrey and Dublin are completing property re-evaluations. Lee suggested members notify the Board if they feel property tax assessments are too high. This way the Board can speak as one voice to the town, if appropriate.
A concern was expressed about a large pile of sand on the beach owned by Dr. Cervenka, which has been present for a few; years. Lee said he would refer this to the new board.
A member expressed concern about noise late at night on the public beach. This should be referred to the police if noise continues after sundown.
Bill Jackson presented the slate of new board members and officers; the slate was seconded and approved by all.
  • President - Rod Mackenzie
  • V. Pres. - James Banghart
  • Sec./Treas - Susan Mansfield
  • Directors for a term of two (2) years
    • Evie Hammermann
    • Paul Starret
  • Officers for a term of one (1) year:
    • Don Austcrmann
    • Barry Steinberg
Lee Bruder expressed his thanks to Ginnie Wile for ten years of service as Secretary/Treasurer.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:15pm. Lunch by Gap Mountain Breads Bakery & Cafe was served immediately after.
Respectfully submitted, Virginia Wile, Secretary