Minutes of Annual Meeting
Camp Wa-Klo, Dublin, N.H.
August 3, 2001
The 42nd annual meeting of the Thorndike Pond Conservation Assoc., Inc. was called to order by Pres. Don Strickland at 11:11am. There were 53 members present representing 31 votes out of 70 members. Don thanked Marie Jensen for the use of the beautiful new mess hall at Camp Wa-Klo. He then introduced the officers and board members of the TPCA. Don presented his theme as president to be "Civility", which he described as "being nice to each other." Also suggesting that neighbors try to work out their differences in a civil manner before calling authorities and offered to intercede if requested, however, the board is not a policing agent. Don recognized the recent loss of Helen Brown and also the loss of Lillian Russell and John Hubbard last winter. He then welcomed new owners: Mr.& Mrs. James Banghart, Mr. & Mrs. Caleb Davis, Mr.& Mrs. Stephen Gelbach, Mr. Michael Kimball and Mr.& Mrs. Rod Mackenzie.
The minutes of the 2000 annual meeting were approved.
The Treasurer's report recommended the dues remain at $50. for the current 2001-2002 year and increase to $60. for the following 2002-2003 year. The board expects to be using most of our reserve money to repair the dam and we need to start building up the reserve fund again. It was requested that members please pay the dues promptly since the treasurer will be leaving for Florida early October. The Treasurer's report was approved.
The water testing report was presented by Bill Jackson. There have been some slight increases in phosphorus and chlorophyll, clarity has improved, conductivity and acidity are good. The overall condition of the water continues to be good. There was a request from the floor for a chart which might help us to better understand and follow the testing results from year to year. Bill said that this would be possible in the future. Pres. Strickland stressed care in protecting the pond by: pumping septic systems regularly, cautious cutting of trees and shrubs, using only phosphate-free home products easily available at local markets and being careful with fertilizers.
Pres. Strickland recommended exploring the possibility of TPCA acquiring the ability to accept tax-deductible gifts. The following motion was made: "The board be authorized to appoint a 501C3 charitable exemption committee to study the feasibility of applying to have the TPCA declared fit as a recipient of tax-deductible contributions and bequests, and to report to the membership accordingly." The motion was seconded and approved.
The matter of leakage at the dam and the need to replace the boards and repair the dam itself was next on the agenda. The following motions were made by Vice-Pres. Lee Bruder:
1) I move that during Fall, 2001, the pond be fully drawn down to permit replacement of dam boards and necessary dam repair and to allow property owners to clean their waterfront areas, and that the drawdown begin between Sept. 15 and Oct. 1,2001, as decided by the directors based on weather, contractor availability and other factors. The motion was seconded and approved after considerable discussion, including getting a cost projection of a cofferdam.
2) I move that directors be authorized to replace all dam boards and make repairs to the dam as needed during the deep drawdown in Fall, 2001, if possible, at a sum not to exceed cash on hand in the TPCA treasury, and to call a special meeting of the Association if additional funding is necessary." The motion was seconded and approved.
The members then approved all actions taken by the board during the past year.
The Nominating Committee report, given by Chairman Bill Jackson, Recommended the following slate:
· President for I year: Don Strickland
· Vice-President for 1 year: Lee Bruder
· Sec/Treas. for I year: Ginnie Wile
· Directors for 2 years:
o Barry Steinberg
o Don Austermann
· Directors continuing for 1 more year:
o Ann Schulte
o Steve Schroeder
The slate was unanimously approved by the members. Pres. Strickland expressed his appreciation to Bernie Hampsey for his service on the Board of Directors.
Members were also asked to keep an eye out for millfoil and other exotic plants and be sure to inspect boats being put into the pond by guests. Also members were asked to drive slowly on the dirt road, especially when passing walkers. David Hurlin asked on behalf of the Village Improvement Society that members supply him with information on their homes, such as year built, contractors and original owner so that Coburn Kidd's book on Jaffrey Center can be updated. Contact him at P.O. Box 312, or 532-7040.
The meeting was adjourned at 1:15pm. Lunch followed, catered by The Inn at Jaffrey Center.
Respectfully submitted, Ginnie Wile, Secretary/Treasurer