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Thorndike Pond
Conservation Association

Annual Meeting - 1993

Minutes of Annual Meeting
Camp Wa-Klo, Dublin, N.H.
August 7, 1993
President Gillian Whalen called the meeting to order at 11:10 a.m. There were 29 members and 18 guests present.
After introducing the association's officers, President Whalen presented Ray Kruse with a plaque honoring his continuing and extraordinary service to the association.
Whalen then introduced Police Chief Gary Phillips, who noted that successful law enforcement depended on cooperation between citizens and groups such as the TPCA and the police.
Whalen thanked Ethel Kloberg and Marie Jensen for their hospitality.
The minutes of the 1992 meeting were approved.
Treasurer Henry Schulte reported that there had been income of $3,008.93 and expenses of $2,574.44. The TPCA ended the year with income exceeding expenses by $434.49 and a treasury of $9,799.40. There were 69 paid members. The treasurer warned that fixed expenses -- insurance, dam maintenance, water testing, etc. - were increasing and it might be necessary to increase dues within the next year or two.
Whalen reported on the activities of the N.H. Lakes Association of which she, as representative of the TPCA, is a board member. She recommended that the TPCA follow Lakes Association guidelines and contribute $5 for each member to the Lakes Association. Such a contribution was approved.
Those present approved a continuation of liability insurance at $260 a year.
It was moved and approved that TPCA dues remain at $40 for the coming year.
Peter McGowan, chair of the nominating committee, spoke next explaining that Tom Mansfield, vice president, did not wish to assume the presidency. On behalf of the nominating committee, McGowan recommended that Whalen be re-elected president for the coming year. The committee nominated Priscilla Hurlin to be vice president and Schulte to continue as secretary/treasurer. The committee nominated Mansfield to replace Hurlin on the Board of Directors and Millard Brown and Arnold Wile to replace outgoing directors Fred Pearson and Stuart Davidson. Steve Epstein is the continuing director. The slate was elected and Whalen thanked Pearson and Davidson for their service to the association.
The actions taken by the board between annual meetings were approved by the members present.
It was moved and seconded that the water level be lowered by Columbus Day weekend. That would mean the "drawdown" would begin on or about September 22. Steve and Beatrice Epstein urged that the drawdown start later allowing boating over the Columbus Day weekend. Others argued that the early drawdown allowed property owners the chance to do chores along and on the beach. Ted Ernst asked for a roll-call vote. The vote was 24 ayes, four nays and one abstention.
TPCA volunteers conducted extra water tests this summer because past test results showed a gradual rise in phosphorus in the lower water level. The State of NH biology bureau financed the testing and issued a report on the results. Copies of this report were distributed at the annual meeting. The tests failed to find a causal relationship between power boat activity in the center of the pond (the deepest part) and the rise in phosphorus in the lower water level. Whalen noted the problem of the rising phosphorus level might be solved by voluntarily managing our individual activities on and near the shoreline, as the report suggested. These are some of the precautionary measures we could take:
  • regular and more frequent pumping of our septic tanks
  • use of phosphorus-free detergents
  • water conservation (the more water we put into our septic systems,
  • the more frequently our leach fields flush into the pond
  • no dumping of leaves, grass clippings, etc. in the pond
  • no burning of debris or trash near the shore
  • no sand dumping in the pond (A permit is required for adding sand to the shoreline and for dredging any area of the pond. Applications for such permits are available at the Jaffrey Town Hall.)
  • Maintaining headway speed (no wake) in boats within 150 feet of the shore (headway speed is about 6 miles per hour). (This speed restriction is required by law in the State of New Hampshire.)
  • The question of water skiing was raised.  Several members suggested that the "take off" be done some distance from the shore so that boats would not operate at higher speed except in the deepest portion of the pond.
After some discussion, Whalen referred the report and the issues that were raised to the Environmental Issues Committee and asked for volunteers to join the committee, now a four-member body chaired by Steve Epstein.
Fannie Hillsmith raised the question of taxes -- noting that taxes on Thorndike Pond property seemed very high. Several members recalled the litigation initiated by 12 property owners which did result in a decrease in assessments on the pond. David Murray noted that there would be a new assessment in 1995.    Don Strickland suggested that the association seek the advice of an expert before the new assessment takes place. Bernie Hampsey suggested it would be wiser to wait until the assessment and then be prepared to challenge tax levels if they are not equitable with other ponds in the town. There seemed to be a consensus that the TPCA should be involved if necessary at an appropriate time.
Arnold Wile suggested that the TPCA make an effort to have speed limit signs erected on Slade Road. Chamberlain noted that there had been signs which fell victim to vandalism. No action was taken.
At 12:30 p.m. Whalen closed the meeting. For the TPCA,
Respectfully submitted, Henry F. Schulte, Secretary/Treasurer