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Thorndike Pond
Conservation Association

Annual Meeting - 1980

Minutes of Annual Meeting
Camp Wa-Klo, Dublin, N.H.
August 2, 1980
The annual meeting and subsequent luncheon were held this year at Camp Wa-Klo, and the Association holds a debt of gratitude to Ethel Kolberg for the outstanding accommodations.
A reading of the minutes of the 1979 meeting was waived by majority vote, and the minutes accepted as written.
The Treasurer's report was presented by Debbie Whitcomb and distributed to the membership. The report was accepted as submitted.
A report of results of the water analysis program was given by Herb Grant. Chemserve again did the analysis for us with the first reading being taken in April right after ice-out. Results were uniformly better than a year ago both by location of sampling on the pond and by specific analysis. Importantly, both phosphate and nitrate levels were lower than last year. This may well be due to the voluntary limitation by members of usage of phosphate detergents and dish washing powders.
Chemserve returned to the pond in June for analysis of coliform levels only and these readings were also improved over last year. Visibility tests made on two occasions this year were also good compared to a year ago. It appears that we're keeping our pond waters in good condition — let's all continue to monitor our use of phosphates and whatever else might get into the water.
The dam still requires some minor fill to reduce erosion at the west end, and Merrill Hill will put in crushed stone this fall after Camp Wa-Klo has closed.
The report for the Nominating Committee was submitted by Bill Jackson
and officers and directors were voted to serve the following terms:
·                     President: Ed Wheeler (one year)
·                     Vice President: Ken Russell (one year)
·                     Secretary Treasurer: Debbie Whitcomb (one year)
·                     Directors
    • Merrill Hill (two year term)
    • Beverly Poulin (two year term)
In addition, Jean Hampsey and Marie Jensen will serve as Directors for one more year each.
A motion was made and approved that the pond be lowered 32 inches again this year. This will be timed to have the lowest level achieved by the second week in October. Merrill Hill has again volunteered to physically remove the planks from the dam.
A question was raised by Dave Hurlin regarding the amount of expense to which the Association is committed for the lawyer representing us as a "friend of the Court" in the litigation between Mr. William Shearer and the Town of Jaffrey because of zoning violations during construction on Mr. Shearer's property. Herb Grant reported that the exact amount has not been determined but it should be relatively negligent since Herb does not feel that a significant amount of time has been spent on the matter by the lawyer we retain. As a further report of status, Herb pointed out that a meeting of attorneys involved to reach an agreement that would obviate the need for a trial was scheduled for early August.
Ed Wheeler reported that the Nature Conservancy people have been asking Brud Becker if the Thorndike Pond Association would be willing to take title to the island which was deeded to the Conservancy several years ago by the Whittimore family. The essence of considerable discussion which took place is that TPCA would like to continue with our existing
arrangement of a $1.00 per year lease from Nature Conservancy if possible. If not, we would consider asking that the property be deeded to some other group such as the Audubon Society, Society for the Preservation of New Hampshire Forests, or possibly the Boy Scouts. There is also a possibility that the TPCA could become a non-profit organization recognized as such by the IRS and take title of the island ourselves. No decision was made, and the Board of Directors will meet in the near future to review the situation, the lease, and any other documentation; to subsequently report a recommendation to the membership.
Roger Whitcomb requested and was granted approval to submit a proposal to the Board of Directors for a fire protection system for the island and/or other areas of the pond. This would consist primarily of a flotation pump portable in nature to be owned by the Association. The Board of Directors will report back to the membership after reviewing a specific proposal from Roger.
In view of gradually rising expenses, general inflationary trends, etc. a motion was made and approved that annual dues would be increased to $25.00 for the 1980-81 year.
Will those who have not already done so please make payment as promptly as possible to Mrs. Debbie Whitcomb, 49 Glen Drive, Peterborough, New Hampshire 03458.
The meeting was adjourned and most members present stayed for "lunch and punch" at Camp Wa-Klo.
Respectfully submitted, Debbie Whitcomb, Secretary/Treasurer