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Thorndike Pond
Conservation Association

Annual Meeting - 1989

Minutes of Annual Meeting
Camp Wa-Klo, Dublin, N.H.
August 5, 1989
President David Murray called the meeting to order at 5:15 p.m. Fifty-three members and guests were present. The minutes of the 1988 meeting were approved as submitted. The treasurer's report was read. The Association had $6,925.74 in its savings and checking accounts -- an increase of $1,877.29 over the previous year. During the year, 70 of those eligible joined the association.
It was moved and seconded that dues continue at $40 for the current year. The motion was passed. There was a brief discussion of the survey carried out during the year. The major finding of the survey was that it seemed appropriate to start meetings somewhat later. In accordance with that, this year's meeting started at 5 p.m. rather than at 4 p.m.
It was noted to Stephen Epstein had bought the Harris property and that four properties were for sale -- Lambert, Kelly, Wheeler, and Ginsberg.
Ray Kruse reported on the state of the pond, noting that the directors of the association had consulted with Dr. Stephen Stepenuck of Keene State College about the water quality in the pond and about testing processes. Stepenuck suggested that the coliform test now being done had limited usefulness, though the fecal coliform test was of value. The acidity in the pond is 6 -- an excellent level. The pond's phosphate levels are good.
Kruse recommended, based on Stepenuck's advice, that the association make arrangements to have the state do its water analysis in the future. That would involve having volunteers who will take samples once a month and carry the samples to Concord. Kruse noted that the sampling would be done only in the summer and would require drawing samples from six locations on the pond. He asked for volunteers.
Finally, Kruse said that Secchi Disc readings showed little change since the beginning of the decade. Water clarity is still good.
Peter McGowan reported that the pond was lowered as much as possible last year. He noted also that the committee charged with maintaining and operating the dam checks twice a year to insure that all is well. He said that a spring check revealed that two boards had been removed and that some debris had lodged in the dam. He asked that members, if possible, catch debris before it reaches the dam and dispose of it. The question of when to lower the pond was raised. !t was noted that the majority of those who responded to the questionnaire indicated they were happy with the present policy. It was suggested that the pond not be lowered until late this year. Ethel Kloberg asked that the pond be lowered early again this year. Ray Kruse pointed out the Keene State expert had said that lowering the pond is beneficial -- it kills growth near the shoreline and "flushes out" the pond, allowing fresh water to flow in during the winter and spring. It was decided to begin the lowering process in late September so that the pond would be down by Columbus Day.
David Hurl in, chairman of the nominating committee, suggested the following officers for the 1989-90 year:
  • President, Peter McGowan (replaces David Murray)
  • Vice-president, Gillian Whalen (replaces Peter McGowan)
  • Secretary-treasurer: Henry Schulte Director
  • Director (two-year term):
    • Robert Karlsberger
    • Thomas Mansfield (two-year term)
The slate was elected.
Those present then voted to approve the actions taken by the board during the past year.
David Murray reported on the status of the tax case. He noted that his report was not part of the official business of the association. He said that the case had been won with the result that taxes had been lowered in many cases. He noted that 12 property owners had paid for the legal costs and that some property owners, not parties to the original suit, were making contributions to those who did pay. More than $4,000 had been contributed to date, Murray said.
Members voted to thank outgoing officers for their services and thanked Ethel Kloberg for providing a meeting place this year. The association presented a gift to Ethel Kloberg, who raised the question of the impact of the Shattuck Inn development on the pond. She noted that the builders had scheduled construction of 356 condominiums as well as a golf course. She wondered how many of those who bought condos would want to swim in the pond or use it for boating. The planning board has approved the project in principle but has not given approval to every phase. !t was moved that the association write a letter expressing concern and present the letter at the board's next meeting. (Secretary's note -- see attached memo from Peter McGowan)
Miss Kloberg suggested that an effort be made to restrict the pond to use by smaller boats only. Bernie Hampsey noted that an attempt to limit horsepower had been made 25 years ago. There was opposition led by the VFW and the effort failed. Hampsey recommended that association members ask State Representative Dick Grodin to introduce a bill limiting horsepower or outlawing power boats.
Robert Banker suggested that the association hire someone to patrol the pond on occasion, ticketing those who failed to observe boating regulations or whose motors were unduly noisy. It was noted that a similar proposal was made the previous year. (Secretary's note -- a copy of the state's water safety recommendations and regulations is enclosed.)
Respectfully submitted, Henry F. Schulte, Secretary/Treasurer