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Thorndike Pond
Conservation Association

Annual Meeting - 1994

Minutes of Annual Meeting
Meeting Place, Jaffrey Center, N.H.
August 6, 1994
President Gillian Whalen called the 35th annual meeting of the association to order at 10:10 a.m. There were 51 members and guests present. Whalen introduced the officers and directors of the Association and presented a distinguished service award to Ethel Kloberg. The award -- which read, "Distinguished Service Award presented to Ethel Kloberg in appreciation for sustained service to Thorndike Pond and the Thorndike Pond Community" -- was accepted by Marie Jensen in Miss Kloberg's absence.
Beth Garland, a biologist with the Loon Protection committee of the Audubon Society, discussed loons and their habits. She noted that a pair seemed to be nesting on Thorndike Pond and warned that swimmers and non-motor boats represent a danger to loons just as power boats do.
Whalen next introduced new property owners -- Judith and Robert Melzer of Brookline, MA, who have bought the Plumeri property -- and Evelyn Hammerman, a visitor from Chicago.
In the business portion of the meeting, members:
-- approved the minutes of the 1993 meeting.
-- received the treasurer's report. The treasurer noted that there had been an income of $2999.52, and expenses of $2393.87, leaving a surplus of $605.65 as compared to a deficit of $434.49 last year. The Association had $10,405.05 in the bank at the end of the fiscal year. There were 69 paid members.
-- voted to continue annual dues at $40.
-- discussed and approved a motion to authorize a special assessment of about $250 to mount a legal challenge to the results of the 1995 tax reassessment if the Board of Director deemed such action necessary. The final motion read, "In the event that the 1995 re-evaluation of properties results in a higher assessment for shoreline footage on Thorndike Pond that comparable shoreline footage on other ponds, the Thorndike Pond Association would appeal the unfair evaluations on behalf of its members. In that event, the Association would assess its members $250 with the understanding that any remaining money would be reimbursed immediately to individual members." The motion was passed unanimously.
-- approved a slate of officers and directors reported out by Peter McGowan, chair of the nominating committee. The slate: Gill Whalen, president; Priscilla Hurlin, vice president; Henry Schulte, secretary/treasurer. The committee nominated Paul Starrett and Donald Strickland to replace outgoing directors, Tom Mansfield and Stephen Epstein. (The continuing directors are Millard Brown and Arnold Wile.) The nominating committee's slate was approved with one "nay" vote heard.
-- Unanimously approved the actions of the Board of Directors during the past year.
-- agreed, after some debate, to begin the annual drawdown of the pond on Sept. 21 with Columbus Day the target for completing the process.
-- heard a report on water quality from Gill Whalen. Whalen noted that the water quality continues good. The phosphorus level, however, continues to rise. Whalen recommended that property owners use phosphorus-free detergents and noted that Coil's Farm now handles a phosphorus-free dishwashing detergent. Whalen urged property owners to clean out septic tanks annually. (Bob Chamberlain warned against fall emptying which could leave a metal septic tank in danger of being affected by frost heaves.) Whalen warned also against dumping leaves, grass clippings, etc., into the pond. She noted that one needs a permit from the State Wetlands Board (1-603-271-2147) before dumping sand into the pond or onto the shore. Finally, she reminded members that the state mandates a no-wake speed for power boats within 150 feet of the shore.
-- approved a motion authorizing the president to consult with an attorney about amending the town's land use regulations to prohibit new commercial development on the pond, including marinas and other recreational facilities. If the resulting amendment seemed satisfactory, the president, with the approval of the Board of Directors, was authorized to take necessary steps to actually amend land use regulations if that were possible. There was one "nay" vote.
Whalen urged members to support the N.H. Lakes Association and the Village Improvement Society. Jan Jackson noted that the Society for the Preservation of N.H. Forests was seeking land stewards. Anyone interested in being trained for such a volunteer post can consult with Mrs. Jackson.
Whalen noted that the Asher lot was still for sale as was the Kelly residence. Ed Wheeler reminded those present that his property was for sale.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:50.
Respectfully submitted, Henry F. Schulte, Secretary/Treasurer