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Thorndike Pond
Conservation Association
Thorndike Pond
Conservation Association
July 3, 2007
From: Bill Jackson
To: Thorndike Pond Conservation Members
Re: Water testing results, 2006
Because the S.W. inlet is so often not flowing in the summer months, a test for Phosphorous only was conducted there in May 2006. The result was a 14 versus a state median of 12 to 14 (good).
Subsequently, tests as specified by D.E.S. were conducted by Bob Chamberlain and myself in June and July, and in August a D.E.S. Limnologist joined us to additionally do sophisticated test such as Phytoplankton identification, pond oxygen content, etc.
Tests were conducted at the "deep spot" north of the island and at the outlet and both northwest and southwest inlets. Results were in line with our very fortunate historical results with nothing raising any warning flags regarding trends.
Finally, DES has informed us that in the 2007 report they will include a statistical analysis of historical data to objectively determine if there has been a significant change in the annual mean for transparency, Chlorophyll A or Phosphorous during the time the Pond has been sampled in the Volunteer Lakes Assessment Program.
If anyone would like to borrow and review the 2006 report from D.E.S. I will have it with me at the meeting.