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Thorndike Pond
Conservation Association
Thorndike Pond
Conservation Association
2016 Water Report
The State’s Department of Environmental Services assessment of Thorndike Pond can be found at the following link. We work with this agency on their Volunteer Lake Assessment Program.
We sample the lake water three times a year, once each in the months of June, July, and August. The state participates in one of those samplings and takes additional information using equipment they have. We sample at 5 locations: the two major inlets, the outlet at the dam, and at two different depths at the deep spot near Maxwell/Hamlin. The beaches at the two camps and the town beach are also checked for E-coli.
The measurements at the beaches was rated “slightly bad” at the town beach and “very good” at both camps. It is not uncommon for beaches that get heavy use to show elevated E-coli readings, which can sometimes lead to their closings. I think the camp readings are more representative of the lake and what most of you can expect on your waterfronts.
Of the seven measurements made on the water samples three were rated as slightly bad, the others were all good.