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Thorndike Pond
Conservation Association
Thorndike Pond
Conservation Association
Box 595, Jaffrey, New Hampshire 03452
Minutes of the 2016 Annual Meeting
August 6, 2016 at the new Boat House at Camp Wanocksett
The meeting was called to order by President Melinda Johnson at 9:05 AM. There were 47 members present representing 35 properties on the Pond. Those in attendance are listed at the end of these minutes.
Under the topic of recognition:
· There were no reports of any deceased members
· One property was sold during the year, the Hackler property was purchased by Steve and Lynne Dodge.
· There are two properties currently for sale:
o Johnson/White
o Smith
The meeting minutes for last year’s Annual Meeting were approved as submitted.
The membership ratified all actions taken by the Board in the past year.
For the election of officers, Melinda listed the following nomination, all of which were approved:
· Andrew Krivak, President
· Jim Potter, Vice President
· Jim Banghart, Secretary/Treasurer
· Hari Kirin Khalsa, 2-year at large member at large
· John Brouder, 2-year at large member at large
· Peter McGowan, 1-year at large member at large
· (Roy Baldwin from the Monadnock Bible Conference, has one year remaining)
Jim Banghart gave the Treasurer’s report, a copy of which is attached. The Association had an operating income of $12,150 and operating expenses of $2,517.85. The Association started the year with bank balances totaling $18,265.80 and finished the year with balances of $28,036.34.
Jim Banghart gave the Water Report, a version of which is included with the minutes and a link to a more detailed State report is included in the report. There is no significant change to water chemistry: Acidity is reported “slightly bad”, and trending in the wrong direction, the result of acid rain and the poor neutralizing capacity of our granite bedrock. Phosphorus levels are reported “Slightly bad” but levels in the middle of the lake are better than the State average and better at the outlet than at either inlet. Choloropyll is reported “slightly bad”, but again is better than the State average.
Dan Megan, Director of Camp Wanocksett, reported on complaints of power boats running early and late and cheering in the early mornings. He reported that Camp Wa-Klo has great drivers and do a wonderful job and Wanocksett has good drivers. Boats do not start before 9:00 and finish at 5:30 on all but three nights when they run until 8:50. The cheering in the mornings occur only on Fridays when swimmers have the opportunity to complete a one-mile swim to the Island and back. To reduce early morning noise, he has asked cheering supporters to hold off on cheering until 7:00. They are laying out buoys for the swimmers the night before so they don’t need to run power boats.
Jim Potter gave the Weedwatchers Report, filling in for Jo Benedek who was unable to attend the meeting. A copy of his report is included with the minutes. He presented the following points
· Last year, because of the Bladderwort problem, many more weedwatchers became involved, each covering a section of the pond near their home. New weedwatchers are:
o Anne and Jim Banghart
o Jim and Patti Potter
o Evie Hammerman
o Pat Scholl
o Roberta Schnoor
· Bladderwort has returned to normal levels this year as the state Department of Environmental Services suggested last year that it would.
· He went over the various types of native plants we have in the pond, including Native Millfoil, found near the boat ramp.
· He described the problems associated with some of the more severe invasive species, especially Eurasian Millfoil which we do not have.
Evie Hammerman gave the LakeHost report, explaining the program and the potential problems the program is trying to address. She acknowledged the support of Paul Santos with the program and the help from the camps. She appealed for the membership to volunteer, especially during the last two weeks of August when the camps are out of session and on the weekend before labor day when we will have no paid LakeHosts present.
Anne Banghart gave the Canada Geese report. She has been working with the State’s Wildlife Service and a copy of the latest report from them is included with the minutes. We had one family with 7-goslings living on the pond last year and despite efforts over the winter to discourage them, we started this year with two families with 17- goslings. The young geese have either relocated or were eliminated. Currently we have only 3 resident geese. Her inspection of the lake indicated 29 properties with water access suitable for Geese. Fourteen of our members put up fences. Carrie Stengel, District Manager of the Wildlife Service was impressed by our proactive stance. Anne urged members to with the fencing and to harass the Geese when possible.
Jim Potter gave a report on the termination of the Forest Ramp Organization. The organization was legally terminated this year and elected to give their remaining funds to the TPCA. He handed our treasurer a check for $6,628.51 at the meeting.
Under new business:
· Emily Carr asked that members look at their speedometers and live within the 25 mph speed limit on Thorndike Pond Road and Gilson Road. On this same topic, Linda Grant offered to any member a T-shirts with a 20 mph speed limit sign printed on the back.
· Bob Carr pointed out that ordinances call for fireworks to stop at 10:00 and urged the membership to adhere to this regulation in difference to neighbors trying to sleep.
· Evie brought up the Loon reporting. Peter Russell reported that there were baby-loons on the pond across from his property. Tammy Fortune reported she had also see babies.
· The unusual observation of a baby Bobcat was reported by many members, frequently at Cornelius’ but at many of the properties on the eastern shore. Dan Megan reported that the camp has had a baby Bobcat around for the last few day, and they were successful in capturing it. The Bobcat has been relocated to a large property in Francistown.
· Logging around the lake has been observed. Peter Russell described the logging on his property on the south end of the pond, which will continue for another year. Logging on Stonewall Farm is also underway in accordance with the conservation easement on the property and good forestry practices.
There were some errors on the member list so an updated version is being sent with the minutes. Please notify Jim Banghart, our association secretary if you have an address or phone change or send a note to our association PO Box shown at the top of the minutes.
Respectfully submitted,
Jim Banghart, TPCA Secretary/Treasurer
In attendance for the 2016 Annual Meeting
Sallie Austermann
Phillip Baley and Sue Roston
Jim and Anne Banghart
Eve Banghart
Charity Brown
John Brouder and Carol Greenwald
Bob and Emily Carr
Stuart Davidson and Wendy Webster
Steven and Bea Epstein
Carol Gehlbach
Eddie Ginsburg
Janet and Linda Grant
Evie Hammerman
Susan Hunt
Janet Jackson
Melinda Johnson
Andrew Krivak and Amelia Dunlop
Tom Mansfield
Richard Mansfield
Peter McGowan
Bob and Judith Melzer
Thomas Moore and Hari Kirin Khalsa
Monadnock Bible Conference, Roy Baldwin - director
Jim, Patti and Jeremy Potter
Ken Roman
Peter Russell
Roberta Schnoor
Earl Silbert
Barry Steinberg
Don Strickland
Camp Wa-Klo represented by co-directors Ginger Mauer and Tammy Fortune
Camp Wanocksett, Dan Megan - camp director and many others
Jeff Whittemore and Robin Cassel
2016 Treasurer’s Report
Operational Checking Account |
Starting Balance |
$ 11,626.09 |
Income |
$ 12,150.00 |
Dues |
$ 6,725.00 |
Donations |
$ 2,775.00 |
Lake Host |
$ 2,650.00 |
Expenses |
$ 20,958.14 |
Dam Registration |
$ 400.00 |
NH Lakes Dues |
$ 300.00 |
Water Testing |
$ 300.00 |
Dam Maintenance |
$ 80.00 |
Postage/stationary |
$ 30.00 |
Website |
$ 110.85 |
Lake Host Expenses |
$ 1,150.00 |
Filing Fees |
$ 75.00 |
PO Box |
$ 72.00 |
Transfer to Money Market |
$ 18,440.29 |
Ending Balance |
$ 2,817.95 |
Account Balances |
Account |
Action |
Amount |
Starting Balance |
Ending Balance |
Checking |
$ 11,626.09 |
$ 2,817.95 |
Infinity |
Start |
$ 80.00 |
Bank Credit |
$ 30.00 |
Ending |
$ 110.00 |
Fund |
Start |
$ 6,559.71 |
Transfer to Money Market |
$ 6,559.71 |
Ending |
$ - |
Money Market |
Start |
$ - |
Transfer from Fund |
$ 6,559.71 |
Transfer from Checking |
$ 18,440.29 |
Interest |
$ 108.39 |
Ending |
$ 25,108.39 |
Totals |
$ 18,265.80 |
$ 28,036.34 |
2016 Water Report
The State’s Department of Environmental Services assessment of Torndike Pond can be found at the following link. We work with this agency on their Volunteer Lake Assessment Program.
We sample the lake water three times a year, once each in the months of June, July, and August. The state participates in one of those samplings and takes additional information using equipment they have. We sample at 5 locations: the two major inlets, the outlet at the dam, and at two different depths at the deep spot near Maxwell/Hamlin. The beaches at the two camps and the town beach are also checked for E-coli.
The measurements at the beaches was rated “slightly bad” at the town beach and “very good” at both camps. It is not uncommon for beaches that get heavy use to show elevated E-coli readings, which can sometimes lead to their closings. I think the camp readings are more representative of the lake and what most of you can expect on your waterfronts.
Of the seven measurements made on the water samples three were rated as slightly bad, the others were all good.
· pH is the most problematic measurement because not only are we rated slightly bad, but the trend in recent years has been to get worse. This acidity is common in NH lakes, caused by a combination of acid rain and poor ANC attributed of our granite base. The state average is 6.6 and the threshold for slightly bad is 6.5, we are at 6.4. The lowest readings are at the inlets and the best reason is at the outlets, so I conclude it is not a problem of our making we just have to play the water we are given.
· Phosphorus: the state average is 12 ug/L and we measured 15 at both inlets, 8 at both deep spots and 6 at the outlet. High levels are common in stagnant water like that feeding into the lake. The fact that it is better than the state average in the middle and gets even better as it leaves indicates to me that we don’t have properties on the pond that are hurting the pond with failed septic systems of fertilizing.
· Chlorophyll: the state average is 4.58 mg/m3, and we are at 3.49 so better than the state average, even though worse than we want to be.
Weed Watchers Report
Unfortunately, Jo Benedek is unable to be at the meeting this year. She has been doing the weed watcher job and report for many years. Last year she asked for some help and several of us volunteered. We did some training with her to learn to identify the common native aquatic plants as well as the invasive aquatic species of variable milfoil. The members of the weed watcher team are Jo Benedek, Jim Banghart, Evie Hammerman, Pat Scholl, Roberta Schnoor, and Jim Potter. Each member of the team has an assigned area of the shoreline to monitor and is expected to patrol that area at least once every 2 weeks.
There is the usual collection of native plants (Pickerelweed, WaterShield, Bur-reed, Yellow Water Lillies, Bladderwort, and an occasional Cattail). Overall plant growth is consistent with most previous years including the welcome return to normal levels of Bladderwort. This is what we were told to expect by the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services last year.
As usual, the greatest plant growth continues to be around the boat launching area. Three geese have been noted to frequent that area and have been actively harassed. There is a small amount of native milfoil along the Western shore south of the boat launch and this has not changed since last year. No variable milfoil has been seen.
Submitted by Jim Potter
Note to Anne Banghart on
Canada Geese Issue on Thorndike Pond
from Carrie Stengel, Wildlife Biologist/District Supervisor
Nice meeting you today.
As a general rule, Canada geese are herbivorous and prefer to loaf, roost and feed on grassy expanses near water. The close proximity of feeding grounds to water provides an easy means of escape, for the goose, if threatened. Hindering a goose’s ability to move between the water and land may discourage the geese from a certain area. Restricting access from land to water is particularly effective during the molting period, when geese cannot fly.
An integrated approach is most effective in mitigating the impacts from nuisance Canada geese.
Non-Lethal Methods
1. Eliminate wildlife feeding
Make sure no one feeds any geese or ducks on your property or in your neighborhood.
2. Habitat Modification
Mowing & fertilizing the turf grass areas less frequently will make it harder for geese to forage on the fresh short shoots they prefer. Allowing grass heights of 6 inches will decrease the ability of geese to feed properly and make the grass less palatable.
3. Exclusion
Fencing along the water’s edge can prevent movement of the geese between a lake or pond and foraging sites on adjacent properties. This is particularly effective during the molting period when the geese are unable to fly, typically mid-June to mid-July. Fencing, either picket or ranch style, should be at least 3 ft. high and have gaps no larger than 3 inches between rails. Fencing along roadways bordering the feeding areas may also be effective in creating both a physical and visual deterrent. Another less permanent or visible alternative is to use bird netting (available at most garden supply stores) and grade stakes or tomato stakes to fence the property off. The bird netting is lightweight and effective without ruining a homeowners view of the water. Even when able to fly between adjacent sites, geese often prefer to walk. Fragmenting their habitat may cause them to seek other areas to feed.
Using stakes, twine and Mylar tape can also serve as a good barrier. This can work well along the water’s edge. Griding the top of smaller ponds with fishing line or high tensile wire and using stakes and fishing line around the base of the pond can help prevent access.
4. Hazing & Harassment
This is probably the most important component of a successful goose program. Harassment of Canada geese should start when geese are first seen in the spring to prevent them from getting accustomed to feeding and loafing on your property. Initially this can be as simple as you chasing the geese whenever they land. As you know, geese are persistent so using several methods of harassment will get better results. Remember, persistence on your part is the key.
Early in the year (April/May) harassment with dogs and visual deterrents such as windmills, scary eye balloons and Mylar tape hung from fishing line and trees may discourage geese from setting up territories. There are also chemical repellents that can be applied to grassy areas where geese feed. The repellants taste bad to the geese and have some effectiveness in preventing geese from feeding in an area. These repellants are somewhat expensive and need to be reapplied after a rain event or mowing.
The use of pyrotechnics can also be very effective in scaring geese from your property. You can purchase them online from several companies including Reed Joseph and Sutton Ag. You should check with your town to ensure that there isn’t an ordinance against the use of pyrotechnics before purchasing them.
Lethal Methods-If geese are nesting in your community (for next year)
From January 1 – June 30 you can register with the US Fish & Wildlife Service (see highlighted link below) to remove Canada goose nests or eggs from you property from March 1- June 30. By registering you are also allowed to addle (shake the eggs vigorously) or oil the goose eggs to prevent development. By addling or oiling the eggs instead of removing them you will prevent a goose from relaying the eggs in that season. This is very effective in keeping the population in check if you can find the nests. I would highly recommend this method if breeding pairs start to nest on your property.
You may also apply for a migratory bird depredation permit through the US Fish & Wildlife Service which allows a person to take a limited number of birds outside of the hunting season. Applying for the permit requires a site visit from our office and a permit review form issued from us.
There is also a legal hunting season for Canada geese that starts in September. This can be effective in lowering the resident goose population. Some towns have ordinances against discharging a firearm within city limits. You should contact your local PD to find out the regulations. Click on the following link to learn more about the related hunting season.
Here are some other products that may work for you.
Carrie Stengel
Wildlife Biologist/District Supervisor
59 Chenell Dr. Suite 7
Concord, NH 03301