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Thorndike Pond
Conservation Association
Thorndike Pond
Conservation Association
Box 595, Jaffrey, New Hampshire 03452
Minutes of the 2014 Annual Meeting
August 2, 2014 at Monadnock Bible Conference
The meeting was called to order by TPCA President Peter Russell at 9:03am. Peter started the meeting by thanking the Monadnock Bible Conference for providing our members with their facility to hold our meeting.
Peter announced new members: Scott & Marie Johnson, Thomas Moore & Hari Karin-Khalsa, JB & Eve Banghart, Ernst Found, Jr., Andrew Krivak & Amelia Dunlop.
Ginger Maurer, proposed the following nominations for election of officers and board members:
· President: Melinda Johnson
· VP: Peter Russell
· Secretary/Treasurer: Jim Banghart
· Board Members for two years: Jim Potter, Peter McGowan
These nominations were moved and unanimously approved by the membership. These officers and board members will join Patty Scholl and Sam Hackler who will complete the second of their two year board member terms.
Peter thanked Sam Hackler for the first two years of work on the Dam project, which provided a great start on the effort. Peter thanked Ginger Maurer and Roberta Schnoor for their good service on the board. Ginger Maurer thanked Sam and Peter for great communication with Wa-Klo
Melinda Johnson took the chair. Melinda thanked Bob Meltzer who helped the board throughout the Dam project, especially with contractor negotiations.
The minutes from last year's meeting were approved as written by a unanimous vote. In addition, actions taken by the board over the last year were approved by a unanimous vote.
Peter Russell gave the Dam project update. The Dam expenses over 4 Fiscal years (FY11-FY14) amounted to $124,482. There were improvements to spillway and abutments, and the board guides were replaced.
Some questions by members were answered as follows:
Q: A member asked if this was a 1, 2, or 3 board year?
A: This is a 1 board year.
Q: What was the problem earlier this year with the lake level?
A: The boards were put back into place by November 2013. The bed of the lake froze and pushed up the boards. A piece of log floated under a board propping it up. The leak (between the boards) was discovered and the problem was resolved.
Peter Russell gave the Treasurer's report, prepared by Jim Banghart (who was not able to attend). The fiscal year of 7/1/13 - 6/30/14 ended with a balance of $12,549.12. A copy of the treasurer’s report is attached.
The water testing report was sent to members by Jim Banghart as an attachment to annual meeting notice. A member requested a summary be provided to those who didn't view the attachment. A copy of the water report is attached.
Jo Benedek gave the weed watcher report. The clarity of the pond was poor early in the season. There are changes in plant growth due to severe weather and from the draw down. The water shield has more spaces between it (less dense). The pickerelweed is getting stronger and is filling in the spaces, particularly in the southwest and shallow water. The burrweed, a plant with a flat tall leaf and a stem with burrs, is near the Thorndike Club. There is blatterwort in the southwest inlet floating in the lake. There are always ongoing changes year to year.
Paul Santos gave the Lake Host report, covering for Evie Hammerman (who was not able to attend). The Lake Host program is intended to stop invasive plants and animals from getting into the lake from other lakes via boats. It is important to continue monitoring the boats. Campers assist during the week but the camps are closing soon and help is needed. Evie is available August 9th at 9:30 for training. Additional training can be provided, if requested. Patty Scholl reinforced importance of volunteer hours, as they increase our public funding. Members can make a contribution in lieu of volunteer time. Please go to http://www.thorndike.org, click on Ramp Volunteer, then double click on an empty time slot on the day/hours that you wish to volunteer. Fill in the form and click on Add and Close.
Under new business, the bylaw change listed in the agenda was tabled. Melinda stated this is something the board would like to research further before presenting next year.
New business was introduced to raise the TPCA annual member dues from $75.00 to $100.00. This increase was approved by unanimous vote.
Peter noted that there is annual request for donations that goes out in the fall. Please be generous.
Other new business: Elise Strickland mentioned there is a fallen tree on Whittemore island that is across the trail. Elise was advised of the appropriate contact at the Monadnock Conservancy.
There being no other new business, the meeting was adjourned at
Respectfully submitted,
Melinda Johnson, TPCA President
with Janet Grant, TPCA Member
Treasure’s Report for FY 2014
Operating |
Checking |
Starting Balance |
$ 14,752.46 |
Income |
$ 7,028.05 |
Annual dues |
$ 5,100.00 |
Transferred from Checking |
$ 1,378.05 |
Donations to lake host |
$ 550.00 |
Expenses |
$ 12,141.10 |
Lake Host Payment |
$ 1,300.00 |
Dam Registration |
$ 400.00 |
Lake Host Dues |
$ 360.00 |
Water testing |
$ 300.00 |
Dam maintenance |
$ 8,882.00 |
Postage |
$ - |
Reproduction |
$ 48.00 |
Website |
$ 110.85 |
Lake Maintenance |
$ 539.25 |
Bank Charges |
$ 2.00 |
Filing fees |
$ 135.00 |
PO Box |
$ 64.00 |
Ending Balance |
$ 9,639.41 |
Savings |
Starting Balance |
$ 1,377.38 |
Income |
Interest |
$ 0.67 |
Expense |
Transferred to checking |
$1,378.05 |
Ending Balance |
$ - |
Infinity Checking |
Starting Balance |
$ 25.00 |
Credits |
$ 25.00 |
Ending Balance |
$ 50.00 |
Total Operating Balance |
$ 9,689.41 |
Fund |
Savings |
Starting Balance |
$ 76,131.02 |
Donations |
$ 10,650.00 |
Dam Upgrade Project |
$ 83,921.31 |
Ending Balance |
$ 2,859.71 |
Total |
$ 12,549.12 |