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Thorndike Pond
Conservation Association
Thorndike Pond
Conservation Association
The meeting was called to order by President Sam Hackler at 9:40 AM. There were 42 members present representing 26 properties on the pond. Those in attendance are listed at the end of these minutes.
Sam first indicated that we have had no members pass away during the past year.
Next, Sam announced new members:
The first two new owners were present for the meeting, the last two were not. Ryan Owen, executive Director of the Monadnock Conservancy, the new owner of Whittemore Island, was present to represent the Conservancy. He gave an introduction to his organization and explained that the island will remain in conservation, and is covered by an easement granted to the Jaffrey Conservation Commission.
Houses for sale on the pond at the time of the meeting were those of:
Jim Banghart gave the Treasurer’s report, a copy of which is attached. The budget was for the 11 month period running from August 1st 2011 to June 30th, 2012, recognizing the change in fiscal year approved at last year’s Annual Meeting. Our biggest expenses were associated with engineering work on the dam to address the letter of deficiency we received from the State a year and a half ago. So far we have spent $9074 on engineering work, $2080 of which was reported last year. The balance of $6994 was spent in the past fiscal year which just completed. The fund for Thorndike Pond was set up as a 501(c)3 to address unusual items like this so the board used the full $5000 they are authorized to spend from this account without full membership approval, paying the balance of $1994 from the operating accounts. Legal fees of $420 were associated with the annual financial filing with the state and completed what the board felt was needed to settle all legal requirements. The Lake Host™ program is our most expensive program and would have been higher than the $320 reported except for the donations to that program by three of our members. The report shows that two CD’s that we held have been cashed in in anticipation of needing the money for ongoing dam engineering, design, and permit fees.
Jim then gave the water testing results. Water testing on the pond occurs three times per year, once each in the months of June, July and August. Results are in keeping with prior years except the water has been particularly clear in the two measurements taken this year. At the annual water testing training workshop there was a presentation on global warming which could have implications to our dam. There was also a presentation on the new Shoreline Water Quality Protection Act which went into effect last July. Members are urged to view the new (more lax) requirements if they are doing any clearing or other work on the shoreline.
Jo Benedek then gave the weed report. She reported weed growth higher than normal, likely attributable to the higher water clarity, which made it easier for her to see subsurface plant growth. The trend in plant growth she described as stable, but the predominant species change over time. The primary pants seen this season are Pickerelweed, varies grasses and Bladderwort. No invasive plants have been observed on the pond but native milfoil is common.
Paul Santos gave the report for the Lake Host™ program for Evie Hammerman. There are 78 water bodies in the state with invasive plant growth, many in our immediate area. He cited Cheshire Pond and Contoocook in Jaffrey and Monomonock and Pearly Pond in Rindge. He explained that no lake with a Lake Host™ program has become infected. Our program includes paid lake hosts on weekends and some camp coverage during the week but is heavily dependent on volunteer time, especially after the camps shut down in mid August. Volunteer hours help cover more ramp time but also lead to larger grant amounts, so all members were urged to support the program by volunteering time at the ramp.
The minutes from last year’s annual meeting were approved as written on a unanimous vote of the membership. Likewise the membership unanimously approved all actions taken by the board in the last year.
Eddie Ginsburg then gave the results of the nominating committee with the following nominations:
Those nominations were moved and unanimously approved by the membership. These board members will join Patti Scholl and Bob Melzer who will complete the second year of their two year terms.
Sam Hackler then reported that there have been some concerns about boater safety. Anyone concerned can call Marine Patrol at 293-2037.
Peter Russell then went through a lengthy discussion on the status of the dam, starting with its history. The first dam was built in 1838 to store water for hydropower for the mills in Peterborough. The TPCA was formed in 1960 to speak to Peterborough Mills about purchasing the dam and certain “water rights”. The purchase was then executed in 1963 to what was then a timber crib dam. The dam was reconstructed in concrete in 1968 at a cost of $19,000 which was funded by an assessment of property owners on the pond. The abutments were added during repairs in 1978. Additional repairs were made in 1991 and 2001. We received a letter of discrepancy in March of 2010 following a state inspection in the fall of 2009. The letter of discrepancy dealt primarily with the height of the dam and the abutmants. We met with the head of the dam bureau earlier this week and were able to support the classification as a low hazard dam, had it not retained this classification, the ramifications would be more severe and the timeline to make corrections shorter. The next steps are to do a design for the improvements, get state approval, and then get construction bids and manage the construction. The work is expected to start right after Labor Day of 2013. The day before the Annual Meeting we received an estimate to complete the project from design through construction and it showed a cost of $102K. Based on this estimate, and using about $15,000 from current TPCA funds, the board feels that an assessment of $1,200 per property owner will be needed to see the project through. TPCA members made a number of suggestions during the ensuing discussions:
Bill Schnoor made a motion, seconded by Bob Melzer, that the membership approve the $1200 assessment and authorize to board to spend what is needed from the Fund for Thorndike Pond (above the current $5000 annual maximum).
There being no other new business the meeting adjourned at 11:18. Lunch for those who chose to buy it was served in the meeting hall of the conference.
Respectfully submitted
Jim Banghart,
TPCA Secretary/Treasurer
Operating Accounts
Checking |
Starting Balance |
$ 5,788.45 | ||
Expenses |
$ 6,454.46 | |||
Dam Engineering |
$ 3,479.00 |
Legal fees |
$ 420.00 |
Lake Host Fees |
$ 340.00 |
Dam maintenance |
$ 766.00 |
Dam fees |
$ 400.00 |
Water testing |
$ 200.00 |
50th Anniversary |
$ 34.00 |
Website |
$ 110.85 |
Reproduction |
$ 138.50 |
Postage |
$ 157.11 |
Annual meeting meals |
$ 222.00 |
PO Box |
$ 62.00 |
State fees |
$ 125.00 |
Income |
$ 12,930.32 | |||
Transfer from CD |
$ 9,259.86 |
Transfer from the fund |
$ 1,485.00 |
Annual dues |
$ 2,085.00 |
Refund from the town |
$ 100.46 |
Ending Balance |
$ 12,264.31 | |||
CD |
Starting Balance |
$ 9,252.54 | ||
Plus Interest |
$ 7.32 |
Minus transfer to checking |
$ 9,259.86 |
Ending Balance |
$ - | |||
Savings |
Starting Balance |
$ 1,376.07 | ||
Interest |
$ 0.63 |
Ending Balance |
$ 1,376.70 | |||
Total Operating Fund Balance |
$ 13,641.01 |
Fund Accounts
Savings |
Starting Balance |
$ 3,907.38 | |||
Expenses |
$ 5,000.00 | |||
Dam Engineering |
$ 3,515.00 |
Transferred to checking |
$ 1,485.00 |
Income |
$ 14,719.21 | |||
Transferred from CD |
$ 9,338.66 |
Donations |
$ 5,300.00 |
Donations via operating account |
$ 75.00 |
Interest |
$ 5.55 |
Ending Balance |
$ 13,626.59 | |||
CD |
Starting Balance |
$ 9,290.64 | |||
Expenses |
$ 9,338.66 | |||
Transfer to savings |
$ 9,338.66 |
Income |
$ 42.48 | |||
Interest |
$ 48.02 |
Ending Balance |
$ - | |||
Total fund Balance |
$ 13626.59 |
Sallie Austermann
Jim Banghart
Bob Banker and friend
Jo Benedek
Steve and Carol Gehlbach
Eddie Ginsburg
Janet Grant
Sam and Eileen Hackler
Bill and Janet Jackson
Eila Mackenzie
Tom and Richard Mansfield
Ginger and Tammy Mauer from Camp Wa-Klo
Tom Maxwell and Lynne Hamlin
Bob and Judith Melzer
Tim Goodwin and Chris Luksha from the Monadnock Bible Conference
Ryan Owen from the Monadnock Conservancy
Amy McGregor-Radin
Ann Raleigh Schulte and son Tom
Ken Roman
Peter and Jinnie Russell
Paul Santos and Anne Stewart
Bill and Roberta Schnoor
Patty Scholl
Earl and Pat Silbert
Don and Elise Strickland
Jeff Whittemore and Robin Cassel
Guest John and Betsy Harris from neighboring Stonewall Farm