Minutes of Annual Meeting
Camp Monadnock, Jaffrey, N.H.
August 2, 1975
Meeting opened at 11:15 with Brud Becker presiding. He thanked the Ted Ernsts for being hosts for the meeting and the gals for working on the luncheon.
Brud explained his position as acting President since By Sawyer had moved.
The minutes of the last meeting were approved without reading.
The Financial statement was approved as submitted.
The Water report was given by George Benedik. He reported on a study made by Habitat of the oxygen content of the pond. Their conclusion was that we had sufficient oxygen content to support both decomposition and animal plant life. A motion was made and voted to continue to monitor the water and to appropriate up to $200.00 for this purpose.
Brud mentioned that the issue of motoroboating was tabled last year for discussion this year. Brud reported he had received no complaints and that it was probably due to good enforcement by the state.
It was reported that no agreement had been reached between the state and Monadnock Recreation for purchase of the latter by the state.
Brud mentioned that this is the year that the pond will be lowered in the fall to allow property owners to do work on the waterfronts.
The Report of the Dominating Committee was given by Ray Kruse.
- President: Brud Becker
- Vice President: Bill Jackson
- Sec/Treas: Ed Ginsbery
- New Directors (2 years)
The Nominees were elected.
It was voted to make an annual contribution of $50.00 to the Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests.
It was voted to continue the dues for the year 75-76 at $20.00,
Respectfully submitted, George Traquair: Secretary/Treasurer