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Thorndike Pond
Conservation Association
Thorndike Pond
Conservation Association
For over 60 years the Thorndike Pond Conservation Association has worked to protect the water and shoreline of our beautiful 265-acre pond, pictured above. Thorndike Pond lies just east of Mount Monadnock in New Hampshire, spanning the Towns of Jaffrey and Dublin. Members of the TPCA include shoreline residents and friends of Thorndike Pond.
The TPCA has participated in the NH Department of Environmental Services Voluntary Lake Assessment Program since it's inception. Water tests at various points on the Pond are taken monthly from May through October, and continue to demonstrate that the waters of Thorndike Pond are among the best in New Hampshire.
Through the NH DES Weed Watcher Program, a trained volunteer patrols the perimeter of the Pond throughout the summer months and alerts residents to the incursion of invasive aquatic plants which can affect water quality. The TPCA participates as well in the NH Lakes Association Lake Host program which provides complimentary inspections of boats at the public boat ramp on Dublin Road, and education to the dangers of infestation of exotic aquatic species like Milfoil.
In partnership with The Monadnock Conservancy, the TPCA monitors human and natural activity at Whittemore Island, located in the narrows of the Pond. Visitors are asked to sign in at the boat landing on the south end of the island, and to report any unusual findings in the log book.
Members of the Thorndike Pond Conservation Association meet annually in August. The Board of Directors meets throughout the year and maintains communication with members using e-mail, USPS and this website. Please inquire about Membership by contacting us at the above link .